Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Butterfly Farm and Stratford

Our annual visit to Stratford has become rather a tradition in the Miffy Household. We start off the day with a visit to the Butterfly Farm where DH and I take loads of photo's of butterflys. As you can see.


After the farm we go into the centre of Stratford via the Foot Ferry
Foot Ferry
On the Foot Ferry
for lunch and a wander round the shops before my pilgrimage to Lush to stock up on smelly's.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Gorgeous Girl!

Gorgeous Girl!
Originally uploaded by Miffy's Knitting

My Gorgeous Girl got the Star Of The Year award at school on the last day of term. It's given for consistent effort, good behaviour etc. I am one very proud Mama :)

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

End of an Era

Well my last baby is a baby no longer.

Bean had his last feed on the Friday morning we left for Woolfest and that was that, he didn't ask again when I got home.

So there we are, the end of an era.

This pic is of DS1 as I don't have a nice one of Bean.
DS1 4 jul 05 edit