Well things are looking up a bit. I got a bit more organised this week and I feel better for it. And it was lovely this morning to log on here and find lots of messages from my friends. I am looking forward to seeing everyone again soon.
I've been having a few panic attacks and a total failure in being able to make proper decisions, even about what to eat on one occasion. I'd not been this bad for years so I knew I needed to get a grip.
DH and I had a proper talk and things are better there. He has applied for a proper job and we have agreed a plan of action regarding his work. He has done more round the house this week which helps too including some painting.
I took Bean swimming on Tuesday which he loved, he was bouncing up and down in his float and walking about in it in the shallows. DD's turn today. We are hoping to get her swiming (at least a bit) before we go to Centre Parcs in January.
My biggest concern now is that I will end up diving again next month, I suspect that my depression has been firmly attached to my cycle and has been a vicious attact of PMT as I feel fine now. If thats the cases then I am going to opt for treatment of some kind so there might be a trip to the docs coming up.
On the knitting side the first of Mums socks is finished and I am almost at the toe of the second one so have made better progress this week. Good job too as it is only a month to the big day!!!!