Saturday, 10 November 2007

Last Night.....

..... DH and I toasted the first birthday of Baby J. I can't believe he is a year old already.

I got our best champagne glasses out (wedding present) and some Cava and we drank his health and had out own little celebration.

We were supposed to be having a party today for him but so much has gone on in the last couple of months that I ran out of time to organise it so after a somewhat half hearted effort by me at the last minute I admitted defeat and cancelled it.

I will try again next year, the other two have both had first birthday parties as a way of saying welcome to the world as I don't have them Christened but poor Jude will have to put up with a second birthday party instead.

We took lots of photos yesterday but they are on DH's camera so I will try and download them later.


BabyLongLegs said...

Happy First Birthday my little woolly bottomed friend :)

I expect some handspun woollies will make their way over to you at some point!!!!

Sarah xXx

Sarah said...

Belated happy 1st bithday Jude!!!
I can't believe you're 1 already!

From the other Sarah ;) XX