When I first decided to join in the the Year Of Projects, back in May, July seem along way off still but here we are already and it's time to officially get started. I must confess here that in a moment of being "TV knitting" free earlier this week I cast on the first project and got a couple of inches done but hey, I was too excited to wait. ;) Plus I didn't have anything else that I could work on and watch TV at the same time.
So here is my list:
1) Vest top - I have some lovely bargain priced pale blue bamboo that I have been intending to turn into a vest top for a while now. I've done some swatching and need to measure again and sort out a final pattern. I've Blogged about this top project before
Jaywalkers - I've got some black and purple yarn that I got at Woolfest a few years ago that should stripe really well.
Widdershins - I've knit these before and thought they would make a good TV knitting project if I do the stocking stitch version, once I'm past the cast on this is. I've got two 50g skeins of yarn so I figured I could get some nice long winter socks if I did them toe up and just carried on till the end of each ball.
Hot Water Bottle Cozy - This will be a Yule present for Middle who has been asking for a hot water bottle for a while now.
Hot Water Bottle Cozy - What Middle gets Bean wants and giving them a hot water bottle each will stop arguments and as I'm using stash for both will make good value Yule presents.
Centrique - I've been hankering after knitting this for a while now and a few weeks ago I tracked down and treated myself to some Babylonglegs Semi-Precious yarn which is just perfect for this project.
Hitchhiker - I've just finished one of these for myself and really enjoyed knitting it. I'm thinking it's shape will be great for my Sis so this will be her Yule present. My Sis buys herself a funky hat to wear each winter and so I'm just waiting for my Mum to find out this years colours so I can buy yarn to match.
Infinity Bag - Again this is a project I've done before and enjoyed. If I can get it to a reasonable size with the yarn I have stashed it will make a great "box" for my Mum and Dad's Yule gifts and will be something that my Mum will use too.
9) Sock for my Mum - She has asked me to knit her a pair for Christmas and has said that she will buy herself some yarn when she is at a particular horse show later this year.
Doublish - This will be my Niece's Yule present. I've already got the perfect yarn for this one.
Bakersfield (probably) - When I got the yarn for the Centrique I somehow ended up with two skeins, as you do. This is my current choice for the second skein though I may change my mind between now and casting on.
Evangeline - I almost always need to wear a hat in order to stop my sinuses giving me trouble so I'm always on the look out for pattern I like.
Mr Tom's Beanie - I'm a big WoollyWormHead fan so this is the first of a few of her designs.
Doodie - which I'll need to convert to an adult size though I shouldn't this I'll have any trouble doing it.
Woolly Wormhead Mystery Hat - Each year Woolly does a mystery hat releasing a clue every few days so assuming that she does one this year I'll be joining in again.
16) Dishcloth - I'm only doing plain garter stitch cloths as they are quick and easy TV and driving knitting.
17) Dishcloth - Number two
18) - Dishcloth - Number three. I could use one or two for me at home and the other one will go in my Mum's Yule gift bag.
And there you have it. 18 projects for the year although I'm not promising to stick absolutely to the list some may be dropped and others added depending on what pattern's and yarn I discover and what I am asked to do over the next year.
Out of the 18 I already have the yarn for 15 and my Mum is buying the yarn for her socks so at the moment I only have two skeins to buy. One for my Sister's scarf and one for the Woolly Wormhead Mystery Hat.