Saturday, 5 July 2008

Catching Up

I don't feel like I have stopped for the last couple of weeks and I know that next week isn't going to be much better but I have finaly found some time this morning to start catching up a bit.

I got back from Woolfest on Sunday evening and spent the night chilling out with DH and the kids.

Monday morning at school I discovered it was sports day in the afternoon so I had to get all my stuff done in the morning so I could still go and watch DD. She was brilliant and even won her heat of the Egg and Spoon race!

Thursday was filled with trips to and from school. It was transfer day so DD spent the day with her new Yr 3 teacher (who she loves already) and DS1 had an hour in school with his new teacher. Then it was back to tots to grab a quick coffee and to pick Bean up. Then I took the boys into town for lunch (getting soaked in the process - gotta love that rain) and then over to my friends so I could look after her youngest while she took her DS1 into school for his hour with his new teacher.

Friday was DS1's playgroup concert. They did the story "We're Going On A Bear Hunt" and it was fab. Tesco shopping the in the afternoon and suddenly the week was gone. I can't even remeber what I did on Tuesday and Wednesday but I know I didn't get any spare time to play online much let alone do my blog.

And today is the school fair!

Roll on next Friday and the end of term. At least the pace of life can slow down a little then!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know just how you feel hun! Roll on school hols ...
Sarah x